Galaxies Multiverse

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Starlight Values

Created on 01/21/2024

Journal with cosmic galaxy illustration, symbolizing Starlight Values guide on Galaxies Multiverse.

Step 1: Journal Your Star Moments

Journaling your Star Moments is a fantastic way to reflect on your most cherished experiences, and discover what truly matters to you. Here’s how to get started:


Remember the Good Times

Take a moment to think back to times when you felt happy, content, or proud. These could be big life events or small, everyday moments.


Write it Down

Once you've remembered a few moments, write them down in a journal. Try to include as many details as possible, such as the setting, the people involved, and what was happening. The more vividly you remember, the better.


Feel the Experience

As you write about these moments, focus on how they made you feel. Did you feel a sense of calm, a burst of excitement, or a wave of inspiration? These feelings can give you insights into your values.


Identify Patterns

Start to notice if certain themes emerge. Perhaps you consistently find fulfillment in learning new things, connecting with others, or overcoming obstacles. These patterns can help you understand what truly matters to you.

Current Progress

Step 2: Uncovering Your Values

This step involves identifying your core values by translating your Star Moments into clear values. It’s a process of pinpointing what truly matters to you. Follow these steps to identify your core values:


Review Your Star Moments

Go back to the moments you journaled in Step 1. Read each entry and highlight any recurring themes or patterns.


Identify Themes and What They Represent:

As you review your moments, ask yourself: What am I doing in these moments? Who am I with? What is making me feel good about these experiences? For example, if you often talk about how you enjoy spending time with your family and close friends, it might indicate that you value Relationships or Connection.


List Potential Values

Based on your themes, start making a list of values they represent. For example: If you love moments of solitude and reflection, you might value Peace or Solitude. If you're happiest when undertaking new challenges, Adventure or Growth could be your core values.


Narrow Down Your List

From your list, select the values that resonate most with you. Aim for a list of 5-10 core values. These should feel deeply true to you and not just values you aspire to. Examples of Common Values: Personal Growth: Education, Knowledge, Wisdom | Relationships: Family, Friendship, Love | Career and Work: Success, Ambition, Leadership | Well-being: Health, Balance, Peace | Community and Society: Equality, Justice, Community Service.


Reflect and Adjust

Your values might change as you grow and experience life. It’s okay to come back and adjust your values as needed.Now that you have a clear and authentic list of your personal values, let's move on to step 3.

Current Progress

Step 3: Visualizing Your Values

Now that you’ve identified your values, it’s time to bring them to life. Visualizing how your values manifest in your daily activities is a powerful way to integrate them into your life.


See Your Values

Close your eyes and imagine a day fully aligned with each of your core values. For example, if ‘Creativity’ is a value, picture yourself engaging in creative activities, feeling the joy and fulfillment it brings.


Detailed Visualization:

Try these visualizations: Morning Routine: How does your values influence the start of your day? Work/Study Environment: Imagine how your values guide your interactions and decisions in these settings. Leisure Time: Visualize spending your free time in ways that reflect your values. Relationships: See how your values shape your relationships with friends and family.


Journal the Experience

Write down these visualizations. Describe what a day guided by each value looks like, detailing how it changes your interactions, choices, and feelings.


Reflect on the Impact:

Consider how living according to your values affects your mood, choices, and overall life satisfaction. After visualizing your values in Step 3, it’s time to turn those visions into real actions. In Step 4, we’ll create simple steps to make your values a part of your everyday life.

Current Progress

Step 4: Creating Action Steps

In this step, you’ll start doing things that match your values. It’s about making small, clear steps to bring your values into your daily life.


Choose Small Steps for Each Value

Think of a small, clear action for each value you’ve identified. For example, if ‘Helping Others’ is important to you, you could plan to help at a community center once a month.


Ideas for Different Values:

Learning New Things: Join a class or start a fun project. Spending Time with Loved Ones: Make plans to see friends or family regularly. Improving at Work: Aim for a work goal or find someone who can guide you. Taking Care of Yourself: Do something for your health every day, like a short walk or meditation. Helping Your Community: Get involved in local events or projects that make a difference.


Keep Track of What You Do

Use a notebook or an app to write down what you do for your values. Notice how these actions make you feel and if they change anything in your life.


Look Back and Make Changes:

By following these steps, you’re not just thinking about your values – you’re living them. Now that you’ve set up your Starlight Action Steps, let’s reflect on this journey and look forward to how these values can light up your life.

Guide Completed!
Golden star set against a cosmic galaxy, representing you completing the Starlight Values on Galaxies Multiverse.

Nice Job!

Congratulations on exploring your values with Starlight Values Guide! You’ve completed an amazing exploration of your inner universe, unleashing the starlight of your core values. Best of luck as you explore and experience life! 

Stay Stellar, 

Galaxies, creator of Galaxies Multiverse, stands confidently with a swirling galaxy backdrop, symbolizing personal growth and fulfillment.
Galaxies is a life coach, social entrepreneur, and AI/XR creative. He explores the multiverse of life, shares his journey, and inspires others to grow, connect, and fulfill their potential. He is the founder of Galaxies Multiverse and Galaxies Vision, platforms that help people discover themselves and turn dreams into reality. He loves space, learning, dancing, and meeting people. If you are interested in working with Galaxies, he offers coaching, speaking, and consulting services

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